How Many Fathers are Seeking the Lord In This Pandemic

Dove of Peace

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“Let The Bible Speak TV” Jos, Nigeria
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Aida Correa, Love Built Life, LLC

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Leaders of Let The Bible Speak TV
Leaders of Let The Bible Speak TV

How Many Fathers are Seeking the Lord In This Pandemic

Sharing two lessons that seeks to inspire, educate and enlighten
fathers, dads, parents, grandfathers, uncles and those men
that serve as a father figure.

A Fathers Support of Education During The Pandemic
William Jackson, M.Ed.
During unprecedented times sometimes it requires fathers to do
unprecedented things. Years of research have shown the value and
importance of fathers in the educational process. In the 33 years
I have as a teacher with the majority of those years in elementary
education fathers pay a key role.

Research clearly shows that children are more likely to succeed
especially during traumatic experiences when fathers actively
support them. Support means being involved, support means
taking the time to sit down and not be distracted by things that
can wait because as a father you are giving your undivided
attention to your child(ren). This does not mean mothers are not
important, they are, but as an educator, parent and mentor there
is something about having a father or father figure involved in
learning that provides and extra push for children.

Reading to your children, helping them with their math even if
fathers are unsure of how to really do it. Fathers serve as mentors,
motivators, inspiration, encouragement and importantly as
facilitators of learning.

Being a facilitator does not mean you have the answers it means
that you have the ability to guide your child(ren) to find the
answers. This helps to lower the anxiety level, the blood pressure
even of youth, teens and young adults. Actively involved also
can mean staying in communication with teachers, helping with
projects and other learning activities. A key element is to join the
PTA – Parent Teacher Association, School Advisory Council – SAC,
and other school related groups.

Developing reading and comprehension skills puts children ahead
of the game when progressing through the academic process and
the school year. Children that are on grade level or beyond they
have the keys that not only opens doors to additional learning,
this can be advanced learning opportunities in gifted programs,
STEM and STREAM programs. They have the keys to opening
opportunities in higher education, technical education and even
careers in the military.

The sad results for to many that are below comprehension and
reading are potentially lower paying jobs, public assistance in life
because of the lack of skill development, the potential of juvenile
justice programs because of wrong decisions and the wrong influences
with associations.

When students know that fathers, dads, grandfathers, uncles and
even nephews that are older are there to support them it builds a
confidence level and self-awareness that builds personal well-being
and self-confidence.

Just as the term “iron sharpens iron” share the value of building
youth, teens and young adults with the strong and positive skills
of others that are successful and influential in a positive way.
Stated by Emilie Buchwald an advocate for reading and family
engagement, “Children are made readers on the laps of their

The pandemic is stressful and creating emotional and mental
stresses in many families. Fathers can provide comfort, calm,
peace stability and structure if they are supporting the process
of education in their homes by being active and engaged.
If parents want to know more contact the guidance counselors
of their children’s school or the school board for more ways to
be involved.

As a divorce father with two adult children when my children
were young I sacrificed time to visit their school, to check with
teachers to make sure homework, class projects and lessons
were completed. I was proactive and did not wait for their
mother to tell me things, being a responsible parent means
being proactive and engaged in the life of your children.
They will remember and thank you for your parenting when
they are older especially when they are successful and growing
a family of their own.

Teacher - William Jackson
Teacher – William Jackson

Sharing 25 things fathers should consider in building a
better person within themselves.

1. Fathers, should go to Christ in prayer and praise with
their children and families. Leading prayer as the leader
of the household to establish a consistent fellowship and
covenant with the Lord. Saying that you’re going to start
praying with the family and doing it are too different
things. The Lord sees your hear and your intentions.
Fathers should be true to their word especially when
speaking to the Lord.

2. Fathers, make mistakes, but own up to them and correct
the mistakes they have made. Fathers should not blame anyone
else for their mistakes. Working not to repeat the same
mistakes and modeling responsibility and accountability
to set a good example for their children and their

3. Fathers, discipline their children with love, not with
physical violence, verbal harm or destruction of a child’s
self-esteem and self-confidence. Emotional damage lasts a
lifetime and creates damaged adults that have challenges
trusting and having faith in others.

4. Fathers, take their children/families to church and bible
study to receive the Word of God and meditate on these words
to empower, inspire and strengthen the family unit.
Even during this time of a pandemic, fathers should set the
time during the week to attend church even if it is online,
over the radio or in other ways.

5. Fathers, are not perfect and should not try to be perfect,
always ask God for wisdom, direction and discernment.
Seek God’s spirit to direct and guide not just the fathers
step, but all that are in the home. God does here a fathers
voice. Remember God made man first in His image so why would
God ignore his creation.

6. Fathers, don’t blame others for their weakness, but work to
strengthen themselves in the Word of God through prayer and
reading, comprehension and interpretation of scripture.
Reading the bible once, listening to a sermon once does not
bring understanding it takes study and contemplation.

7. Fathers, will not “follow the guys” when they are
disrespecting women, this sets an inappropriate and dangerous
model for their sons to follow and will show a fathers
daughter that it is ok for them to be disrespected by words,
deeds and actions of other men.

8. Fathers, don’t block their children’s anointing with ungodly
actions, behaviors and deeds that maybe repeated by their
children as they mature into adults.
Fathers are role models in words, deeds and actions, a father
may never know who is watching them and imitating them.

9. Fathers, ask the Lord for discernment to recognize the
signs of trouble, chaos and confusion before they happen.
Scripture says no weapon formed against me shall prosper,
meaning that weapons will be formed, but they will have no
affect when used.

10. Fathers, model respect for the Spirit of the church and
church representation. Being a disciple of Christ is not
easy. Even the Apostles met with challenges, they allowed the
Holy Spirit to take over and use them. Fathers even in the
21st century must allow the Holy Spirit to use them even today.

11. Fathers, lead grace/prayer at meal time and anoint their
children with oil in good and challenging times. Placing their
hands on their children, their homes, their property that the
Lord has blessed them for safety, protection, obedience and
humility to do the work of God.

12. Fathers, should be able to purchase their daughters
personal items and be proud in doing so. Setting a standard
of respect, pride and responsibility for the daughter he
protects and loves. Fathers sacrifice their time, their
energy their monies for their family as Christ sacrificed

13. Fathers, promote education in the household.
Reading should come every day, fathers no matter the level
of their education, their children should move past their
parents to show not just monetary gain, but to show the
value for education.

14. Fathers, talk to their children about life, just as Christ
taught the disciples about future challenges in life, fathers
must be Christ like in teaching their children.

15. Fathers, do not whine about what “HIS” daddy did
not do for him, but follow a model indicative of Godly
men and accountability, fellowship, discipleship.

16. Fathers, do not blame where he came from for his
short-comings. He focuses on where he is going in a
positive direction.

17. Fathers, takes time to speak life, love, power,
praise and purpose into their children’s life. The voice
is a powerful tool to create change in the world and
must contain authority and power to move peoples hearts.

18. Fathers, will happily show how God’s love is sacrificed
for all of us. That in life the Lord loves us and sees our
hearts. Fathers should show humility, but also possess
power with purpose.

19. Fathers, accept responsibility for their children’s actions.
Remembering that “the apple does not fall far from the tree.”
Fathers recognize and work to stop generational curses so
a new and positive direction is made for his children.
Fathers should always pray to the Lord where changes
should be made for a better future for his children.

20. Fathers, must remember that just as the Lord created
us and he watches over us a true father takes responsibility
for a life that they helped create and a true mother allows
the father to do as the Lord would have the father to do.
When the Lord sees the mother is obedient to the father
and the father follows Christ they are blessed.

21. Fathers, aren’t afraid to show love to their children,
children still need reinforcement that they are loved and
respected by their father. Love cannot be bought, bartered,
compromised, sold, exchanged. Love is a action word
and actions speak louder than words. Christ died on the
cross, he was buried and rose 3 days later with all power
and sits on the right hand of our God.

22. Fathers, spend time just being together with their children
and doing things their children like and allows them to be
happy. Children must be able to remember when they laughed
with their father, when their father hugged them, when their
father kissed them and when their father showed compassion.

23. Fathers, teach their child to be responsible and accountable
for their actions. Fathers must teach both their sons and their
daughter not to blame others for their actions or think
they are owed anything. Respect is always earned and obedience
is expected to the Lord.

24. Fathers must teach and model respect to authority.
Fathers have a duty and responsibility to show their children
the value and importance of being obedient to the laws of
the land and those in power.

25. Fathers must teach humility, respect, honor, and fear of
the Lord always. Even during great times of challenges, hurt,
pain, loss and when things seem helpless fathers must teach
to trust in the Lord without stopping and having the faith
of a mustard seed.

Let The Bible Speak TV Live
Let The Bible Speak TV Live

Welcome TO LET the BIBLE SPEAK TV, Jos, Nigeria
1. Evang. William Jackson from #Florida USA on Wednesday at 8:30pm
2. Evang. Wabomba George from #Uganda on Friday at 8:30pm W.A.S.T
3. Evang. Enoch Mbaihondoum from #Chad on Every Sunday 5:30 pm
4. Evang. Ayobami Sanniolu from Nigeria working with Wabomba on Friday.

We come to you during the week to bring Gods word in the way he has
blessed each of us with the talents, skills and abilities he has
blessed us with.

We come to you with authority to share the gospel as Christ would
have us to do with the Holy Spirit and the blessings of the Lord.
You may find us on Church of Christ and Social Media

Thank you for your continued prayers, and positive messages in how
we are a blessing to each of you not just in the body of Christ,
but those the visit our sites to learn about Christ, scripture
and our Father.

Continued blessings to each of your respective homes, villages,
cities, communities, nations and continents. God is speaking a
mighty word to the world. Are you listening to his messages to
build the world with love, peace, acceptance, humbleness,
humility and obedience to the word of God.
“Let The Bible Speak TV,” Jos, Nigeria

The National Revival Conference 2020

The National Revival

Greetings brothers and sister of Christ, for the next several weeks
I will be sharing links to Church of Christ Virtual – The National Revival
Conference hosted by the Churches of Christ that has been held online from
the United States. This will be Ministers from the Churches of Christ
across the United States provided by brother William Jackson to
share the Word of God from the Body of Christ.
I want to share what other Church of Christ ministries are doing.
I did not create this just wanted to share with my brothers and
sisters in Africa.

Follow the Church of Christ Virtual – The National Revival Conference
Revival with the #revival2020coc
Email is

Teaching and Preaching is Minister Terry D. Wallace
West Oak Grow CoC – Hernando, Mississippi
“Faith for the Future – PS 37:25

#ChurchofChrist #Ministry #ChurchesofChrist #VituralConference
#Revival2020CoC #RevivalConference